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Current 'Work in Progress'

Parking by Bicton School: There have been a number of complaints recently regarding vehicles being parked opposite the zig-zag lines outside the school at drop-off and collection times. This poses a danger to young children who have unfettered access through the gate into the School Car Park. BPC is currently in discussions with our local Police Officer, PC Richard Walters, to see what measures can be taken to improve the safety of our local children.

Bicton Litter Pickers: Do you have time to help tidy up the village?  We are always looking for willing volunteers to give an hour or so of their time.  All equipment provided.  If you can help, please contact the parish clerk.

Shropshire Council's 'footpaths officer', Tom Llewellyn is keen to know if there are any missing or broken fingerposts or any stiles/gates etc. in need of maintenance.  He can be emailed at tom.llewellyn@shropshire.gov.uk.

Dog Fouling:
There are still a number of incidences of dog faeces being left on our paths and pavements.  This is not only unpleasant but it is also dangerous,particularly to children.  Please would all dog walkers ensure that they 'do their duty'?


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