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Local Planning Applications

Current applications

Shrewsbury North West Relief Road - BPC objects, SC approved

Land adjacent to Churncote Island - Roadside Services Development - BPC objects, SC pending

Wingfield Caravan Park - Extend Existing Caravan Park - BPC objects, SC granted

Severn Hospice, Clayton Way - Proposed ground mounted Solar Array - BPC pending, SC pending

Bicton Farm - Agricultural access track via Severn Way avoiding Lane - BPC no opinion, SC refused

Grove Farm, Isle Lane - Erection of double garage, summerhouse, gates, terrace and landscaping works - BPC neutral, SC pending

Montrose, Shepherds Lane - Erection of replacement outbuilding - BPC neutral, SC pending

Field West Of Isle Lane - Change of use from agriculture to dog exercising field with associated hardstanding for parking area - BPC neutral, SC pending

Land South Holyhead Road - Erection of 32 affordable dwellings and associated infrastructure - BPC objects, SC pending


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