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Local Planning Applications

Current applications

Shrewsbury North West Relief Road - BPC objects, SC pending

Land South of Holyhead Road - 32 affordable dwellings/associated infrastructure - BPC objects, SC pending

Land North Mytton Oak Road - Dev't of 400 dwellings/80-bed care home - BPC objects, SC pending

Southfields, Calcott Crescent - Change of use dwelling to institution - BPC objects, SC granted

37 The Oval - Front porch extension and solid roof to conservatory - BPC supports, SC granted

Rossendale, Shepherds Lane - Proposed two storey side extension utilising existing utility at ground floor level - BPC supports, SC granted

The Hollies, Villa Lane - Erection of up to 3 Dwelling Houses including access - BPC pending, SC pending

Montrose, Shepherds Lane - Variaton of Condition 5, allow bathroom window to be openable - BPC strongly objects, SC pending


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