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Would you like to offer to help the community?

Village Defibrillator: There are debrilliators situated both within the entrance canopy of Bicton Village Hall and at the entrance to Bicton CE Primary School on Bicton Lane.

Telephone Kiosk on Church Lane:
Do you have any seedlings that you don't want?  Please feel free to put them in the old telephone kiosk for others to use.  You might even be able to pick some new plants up for yourself.  There is also a facility for a book/magazine exchange - just for our community.

: It is incredible how much there is.  Litter attracts more litter so the hope is that if an area is litter-free then careless people will not drop more.  BPC has purchased some equipment; litter pickers, bag openers, high-vis tabards, etc.  Please contact the parish clerk if you are interesting in participating in a litter-picking patrol.

: Can you help with the maintenance of local fingerposts, stiles, gates etc?  If so, please contact Tom Llewellyn at Shropshire Council, he would be delighted to hear from you.

: Have you seen anything that Bicton Parish Council should know about?  Whether it be dog mess on the pavements, vandalism in public areas, litter, parking issues etc., please let us know.

: Have you any ideas for improving Bicton and the community?  Let us know, after all, we might not have thought of it yet!

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